What Is Vaginal Itching And How To Avoid It?
Vaginal itching is very uncomfortable. Most genital itching and irritation isn’t a major concern. But because they can be symptoms of infection, it is good to have an idea about these situations. Home remedies will be mentioned below for you to know:
- Avoid scented pads or toilet paper, creams, bubble bath, feminine sprays, and douches.
- Use water and plain, unscented soap to regularly clean your external genital area. But don’t wash more than once a day. Doing so can increase dryness.
- Always wipe from front to back after having a bowel movement.
- Wear cotton panties (no synthetic fabrics), and change your underwear every day.
- Do not douche.
- Change the diapers of infant girls regularly.
- Use condoms during sexual intercourse to help prevent sexually transmitted diseases.
I need to know what can be used to help 😕 the pain of itching
I’m a diabetic and I can’t get rid of a yeast infection. The cream is not helping me. What to do? I’m asking for some serious help here.